Growing up, I remember thinking my dad was larger than life. As a kid, it was hard for me to fully comprehend the courage it took for him and my mom to leave everything they’d ever known to immigrate to the US, but I understood enough to know that it was to provide for our family. He spent most days working endless hours in a wholesale bakery, but when he wasn’t laboring over hot ovens you could rest assured he was in the stands of one of my football games. Matter of fact, I can’t recall a game he ever missed. 

He’s carried on that same tradition with my kids, attending as many of my two sons’ sporting events as possible, and supporting my daughter through recitals and various school events. You could say he is the ultimate cheerleader, and as a parent myself now it warms my heart to see how much my kids idolize a man I’ve spent years looking up to myself.  

This year, my family and I started celebrating Father’s Day a little early as we spent some quality time visiting my dad in Greece. Between the pandemic, the distance, and health issues – we are incredibly thankful for the opportunity to laugh and love in person once again.  

This holiday, I wish the same for each of you. A special day to honor and cherish the father figures in each of our lives for all they do for us day in and day out. Happy Father’s Day to all the incredible men out there! May you feel loved and cherished, not only on this day but everyday throughout the year.